Using Cell Phones While Riding


Motorcyclists are afforded few amenities. With the advent of technologies that increases the capability for immediate communication between people or devices that provide GPS navigation assistance, one might reasonably expect the way a motorcyclist is ridden to be changed over the past decade. However, in reality, little has shown significant difference in that way motorcycles are operated in several decades, if not a century.

Perhaps the largest contribution of this new technology is the added dangers of unadaptive riders trying to handle a new level of multitasking. In this sense, the use of cell phones have made some impact on motorcyclists, as headphone sets do make it possible for riders to talk on a phone call through their helmet while they are trying to ride.

Some may not see much of a problem with this. After all, cell phone use while driving is not banned in many states, or at least is not perceived to be nearly as dangerous as texting while driving. According to a study published by the University of Utah, that may not excuse anything. A study done as a part of a larger series of studies looking at cell phone use while driving revealed that drivers using a cell phone who are unaffected make up a rough 2.5 percent of all drivers.

That means 97.5 percent of drivers lose some amount of attentiveness to the road, reducing their brake-time reactions, steadiness of speed, and overall performance. The study concluded that cell phones produce an effect on drivers very similar to alcohol, although cell phones seem to produce more collisions.

Thinking about these kinds of considerations for car and truck drivers is one thing. Thinking about cell phones and their impact on motorcyclists, who already combat a long list of additional hazards due to their size and nature of the vehicle, is another. Riders who use headphone systems to talk on their cell phone risk catastrophe for the rest of the motorists using that road. In many cases, it is the attentiveness of the motorcyclist, not the driver, that reduces the possibility of a motorcycle-related accident.

Removing this attention poses real problems for anyone on the highway. If you would like to learn about the legal side of rider negligence that this wave of technology can produce, you should contact a motorcycle accident attorney.


Source by Karen Whitehurst

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