Skin Yeast Infection Treatment


With more than twenty species of Candida existing, (the fungus that causes yeast infections) the amount of places that you can find these infections on the body is rather amazing. Although despite better known as an infection for a female in her genitalia, it can occur in men and also on other places of the body as well. It pays to know about the skin yeast infection that you can use to make the problem go away as it is more common than one would think.

Thrush is the infection commonly found in women and although occurring a lot in the vagina, can occur in the mouth as well and also on men in both areas. Intertrigo is another common version of this skin infection, occurring in the warmer and moister areas of the body such as the groin, armpits, breasts and under folds of skin that are commonly found on people that are overweight.

Generally all of the types of infections can be treated with a skin yeast infection treatment that is bought over the counter at pharmacies which include either a cream that is directly applied to the area or a tablet to be taken orally. It can also include a combination of the two for a quick effect. These generally are no expensive but can be if you suffer from these infections a lot and it may be a better idea to check out some of the more natural skin yeast infection treatment types that you can find.

Along the medication that you may be given for a skin infection, you may find the following names common:

• Fluconazole
• Antifungal lozenges
• Clotrimazole
• Antifungal creams
• Corticosteroid creams

Many of these will generally be prescribed by a medical professional if you visit one for your skin infection and there are things that you will need to do such as maintaining high standards of personal hygiene and keeping the infected areas clean and dry to speed up the cure And to prevent it from occurring again in the future.


Source by Galadriel Anderson

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