Tony Robbins – The Power of Questions


“Questions provide the key to unlocking our unlimited potential,” says Robbins. “Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.”

It is in being honest with yourself and having an open internal dialogue that you will place yourself on the path to success. “You and I have that same power at our disposal every moment of the day,” says Robbins. “At the moment, the questions that we ask ourselves can shape our perception of who we are, what we’re capable of, and what we’re willing to do to achieve our dreams.”

How do you really want to live?

What gets you most excited?

When do you feel stuck?

What kind of person will you have to become in order to achieve all that you want?

These are some of the questions Robbins suggests you ask yourself and answer honestly. “The genuine quality of life comes from consistent, quality questions,” says Robbins. If you ask yourself a great question, your mind will automatically focus on finding better answers and solutions. Conversely, “If you ask a terrible question, you’ll get a terrible answer,” he says. “Your mental computer is ever ready to serve you, and whatever question you give it, it will surely come up with an answer.”

Throughout his career, Robbins has been driven by a single question – what makes the difference in the quality of people’s lives? He has since come to realize that it is what we ask of ourselves and how well we look inside to find the answers that plays a key role. Not only does this help us understand our own internal motivations, but it also helps provide focus to our thoughts.

Every night before going to sleep, Robbins suggests asking yourself the following three questions:

What have I learned today?

What have I enjoyed today?

What have I improved or contributed today?

Simple questions, yet with powerful effects. “Most people never feel secure because they are always worried that they will lose their job, lose the money they already have, lose their spouse, lose their health, and so on,” says Robbins. “The only true security in life comes from knowing that every single day you are improving yourself in some way, that you are increasing the caliber of who you are and that you are valuable to your company, your friends, and your family.” In asking yourself the above three questions, you can work on improving yourself each and every day.

Every individual has the right to live a life of fulfillment and questions are the key to opening that door.

“The power was given to you at the moment you were born,” says Robbins. “Its source is unlimited. And when you seize it, you’ll have everything you need to create a life filled with more passion, excitement, confidence, and joy than you’ve ever dreamed. Isn’t it time to unleash the power within and claim your extraordinary potential?”

This fast paced 7 minute video will enlighten you on the Power of asking yourself the right questions. Putting this simple but extremely powerful concept to work in your own life will change your life in ways you never thought possible.

This short video below has some examples of what we ask ourselves and by simply changing the question you are instantly empowered.

The Power Of Questions Questions are an excellent way to access your subconscious mind, and the process is a simple one.

Suppose you are in a situation where you want to make a good impression. You walk up to the person you want to impress and blurt out a tactless remark. Instantly you realize what you’ve done.

If you ask yourself a negative question like, “Why am I always such an idiot?” your brain will come up with all sorts of reasons in order to answer that question. This is of absolutely no help to you, either in the present situation or at any time in your life.

If instead you ask yourself, “How can I recover from this mess?” your brain will sort through your memory banks to come up with some strategies to redeem your blunder.

In other words, your brain will always present an answer to any question you ask yourself. The answer may not necessarily be true, but your brain feels obligated to respond to your questions and will do its best to present you with some kind of answer, whether feasible or not.

How can you use this brain function to improve your life?

Train yourself to ask only positive questions.

Questions like “Why am I so talented?” and “How did I get to be so lucky?” will give you far more positive results than those that presuppose a critical answer. Often the brain recognizes that many of these questions are rhetorical, in other words they don’t actually require an answer, but the impact is still positive. The questions imply that you are talented or you are lucky, thereby reinforcing the notion. In this sense they function the same way as affirmations.

WHY Questions

Asking, “Why do I always fail?” will inevitably lead to answers like “Because you’re a loser!”

“How can I succeed in this venture?” will lead to creative and useful answers.

Why questions are often circular in nature and are not utilized in this particular process. Replace them with questions like *How can I do this? *What do I need to do next? *When do I need to finish this? *Where do I need to be right now? *What do I need to learn here?

Daily Questions

Anthony Robbins popularized the use of questions in his excellent tape programs, Personal Power and Personal Power II. Tony devised three sets of questions: one for mornings, one for night, and another set to use when dealing with problems throughout the day.

1. The Morning Questions

Answer the following questions every morning to set yourself up for a positive day.

1.What am I most happy about in my life right now? What about that makes me happy? How does that make me feel? (Repeat these two secondary questions after each main question)

2.What am I most excited about in my life right now?

3.What am I most proud of in my life right now?

4.What am I most grateful for in my life right now?

5.What am I enjoying most in my life right now?

6.What am I most committed to in my life right now?

7.Who do I love? Who loves me?

2. The Evening Questions

Ask yourself these questions at the end of each day before sleep.

1.What have I given today?

2.What did I learn today?

3.How has today added to my life?

4.How can I use today as an investment in my future?

5.What did I do today towards reaching my goals?

6.Optional: Add the morning questions.

3. The Problem Solving Questions

These questions are helpful when working towards a goal and/or encountering an obstacle.

1.What do I need to do today towards reaching my goals?

2.How can I become successful and enjoy the process?

3.What can I learn from this experience?

4.What do I respect about this person?

5.What’s actually funny about this situation that I haven’t noticed before?

6.What’s great in my life right now?

7.How can I make this happen right now and enjoy the process?

The three sets of questions can be printed in a large font on separate sheets of paper and displayed in your work space.

This valuable lesson comes from notes taken while spending 2 weeks in Kona Hawaii At one of Tony’s seminars,

So I want to give thanks to Tony Robbins

Respectfully, George Walters


Source by George E Walters

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