Invest In Yourself


"The only investment that will pay you for a lifetime is the investment you make in yourself."

Recently, I attended a huge convention in Las Vegas. The quote above, spoken during the Convention, resonated with me on a personal and professional level.

As an author, speaker, and trainer, I aim to help other people get the most return from the investments they make in themselves.

Those who purchase, read, and implement new material are those who grow rich.

Those who attend seminaries and workshops, take courses, hire coaches, listen with open minds, take notes, and take action by changing even a single aspect of their lives with what they have learned are those who grow rich.

It's "back to school" season. Adults routinely prepare others for obtaining better education at this time of year.

For example, we equip our kids for elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education. We make time to suit them up with supplies, shoes, clothes, and housing, and provide for their financial needs.

But do we invest in ourselves?

In this industry of personal and professional development, I also meet people who want to change their lives, but are not willing to make an investment of money or time, or to apply the change required in order to strive to improve themselves.

In this economy, if you want to invest your time and money wisely, be sure to remember the most important investment you will ever make: that which you make in yourself.

Several years ago I joined a Toastmaster Club to improve my communication and leadership skills. Over the five years I was involved, our membership had a high turnover rate. There were two types of people leaving the club. Those who invested the time and commitment to improve their communication and leadership skills got promotions, and left the club due to relocations or new opportunities. There were the other members who left because they were not willing to make the investment of time and effort in their professional development, therefore were not finding value. Investing in yourself has a lifelong ROI, therefore a good choice for topping your priority list.

Successful businesses of the future are those which are creating leaders today. If you are privileged to work for a business that will help by investing in you, you are lucky. Take the opportunity and give back by playing your part in improving yourself for the betterment of your organization.

If you do not have someone to invest in you, then invest in yourself. Be the leader – the change maker – who enters this new season of education with goals of becoming better than you already are. Put yourself first when it comes to self improvement. You are worth it.

You can invest in yourself so many ways: take a course, hire a coach, attend an educational event in your community, book onsite team training for your workplace, study online, schedule learning time at the library, join a direct sales company and earn As you learn, get a personal trainer, hire a dietician … the list is endless.

It's back to school season for everyone, including you. How will you invest in yourself today in ways that will pay you back for a lifetime?

Best wishes for continued education,



Source by Penny Tremblay

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