Is Network Marketing Dead Or Alive? Full System Review


Is Network Marketing DEAD or ALIVE? I would say the conventional method of Network Marketing is dead. In any Network Marketing, the very key factor for success is in the system duplication. They will conduct weekly meetings training their down-line to go through the same selling tactics and Network Marketing Strategy and process that they apply to get even more down-lines.

Every known 'big' leader has taught us exactly that same 'workable' duplicate Network Marketing model because that's the only way they know and were taught. That system of duplication consist of a series of steps that we are so familiar with in Network Marketing.

– Complete your training before telling anyone about your Network Marketing program
– Build your name / call list for your Network Marketing
– Start by selling to your friends and family and get referrals from them.
– Build more name list and call list – Practice your selling speech for Network Marketing
– Do not miss out on your weekly update meetings, hotel meetings, house meetings etc …
– Do not fear rejection .. Do your number..Every "NO" means you are closer to a "YES".

Do you see the problem here? The problem with Network Marketing is in US!

The system is trying to duplicate us into a selling Network Marketing Machine. However, we are not machine. All of us are born quite different. Some of us do not like to meet new people. Some of us do not enjoy selling a product or lack the skill of doing it. Some of us do not even like to make phone calls. No one is going to say 'NO' to $ 10,000 in residual income every month in Network Marketing. They are just saying 'NO' to what they have to do to get it! That is the why the key reason why most of us fail with these Network Marketing programs is because they are very heavily reliant on the Human Element to succeed. Humans just can not be effectively duplicated no matter how much you try to do it (even to the extent of dressing them up in the same uniform, same color tie and jacket). That's WHY the program FAILS !!

People just can not be duplicated …. Only MACHINES CAN. So the obvious solution would be to let the machines duplicate themselves! Use Internet as Network Marketing Machine to send pre-selling information, capture your leads, do the follow-up, do the selling and close the sale for you. It will also do the post sales support of training and step by step instruction guide for your down-line to build their Marketing Network. Now, it does not matter whether you are a seasoned Network Marketing expert or newbie, a house-wife or school dropout, a professor or doctor … you go through the Network Marketing system and get the same predictable results. No tactics or techniques required!

Yes, the Network Marketing Machine (Internet) does virtually all the work and we just make money! However, why would 95% of those in the Internet Network Marketing still fail? The reason is very simple. They are promoting the wrong program! Although Network Marketing through Internet is effective, there are just so many scams around. If you are not careful, you got scammed! Therefore, choosing the right proven on-line network marketing program is paramount for success for on-line Network Marketing. Are You Ready to Profit from it?


Source by Kum Kee Wu

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