Prophetic Dreams – Dreams of Being Shot At – What Do They Mean?


Did you dream of being shot at? What could your terrifying dream mean? Are you troubled by it?

If you are overwhelmingly disturbed by a recent nightmare, you are not alone. The feeling of despair that you’re feeling right now isn’t unique to you alone.

I myself dreamt of being shot at as well, and here is my story.

The Dream:

And there I was out in an open sandy field. A man with an automatic rifle aggressively sought to kill me. He and I were the only ones on this barren field therefore, the situation I was in was indisputably dire. This man fired at me relentlessly with a vengeful purpose. He had the weapon, I had nothing to fight back with. Since I could not protect myself I panicked. I tried to dock and dodge as much as I could, but I knew eventually one of those flying bullets would hit me. I was vividly horrified.

Then, all of a sudden, the barrage of shooting stopped.

I heard a yell, and I looked up at the direction of the shooting gun man. He appeared hurt and was holding his head. Apparently, something had come from behind me and struck him across the face. I turned around to see what it was, and low and behold, a man was there with a sling shot.

This man shot again at the gunman a second time, and this time, the rock from the slingshot hit the gunman and blasted him far away from me. It defied logic how this happened. The small tiny rock from the slingshot whizzed through the air with astonishing speed, striking the gunman with surprising precision and an unbelievable force. It was like being shot at by a gushing five feet wide water hose, if there ever was such a thing.

Before I knew it, the gunman had deserted his gun with a cowardly quickness and fled the scene. Then I heard a voice say to me: “Hurry up and grab his weapon. Destroy it!” Whose voice this was, I do not know. But the voice sounded thunderously authoritative. Could have been that of the slingshot man, I’m not sure. I immediately did as I was told and started to dismantle the rifle.

It was while I was breaking apart the weapon that I sprung awake. I woke up with a smile plastered on my face. This was a dream that spelled victory. But victory from what?

Since this dream ended well for me, I figured there was nothing to worry about. So I didn’t care and I quickly forgot about it. Big mistake!


Over the period of a year following this dream, a series of unfortunate events fell upon me and I gradually began to understand what the dream meant. You see, although I was saved by the unknown man at the end of my dream, that still didn’t erase the fact that the gunman attempted, several times, to hurt me.

In the beginning of the narration of my dream, I said the gunman had an automatic rifle and that he fired at me relentlessly. Not once, not twice, but several times.

Now, each bullet that he fired in my direction apparently counted as each problem that I would be coming up against in the near not-so-distant future. And yes, I did come up against major problems. Luckily for me, as in the dream, I was miraculous saved from those problems.


The bottom line here is very simple. If you ever dream of being shot at, you need to be worried…very worried. But before you lose your mind in panic, here are a few questions you MUST answer in order to determine if danger is really lurking.

Before your dream, do you remember hearing or seeing anything related to guns (action movies, the news, heard a story, etc)? Do you remember reading about anything related to guns or shooting in the newspapers or other reading materials?

If your answers to these questions are all NOs, then be very careful. Make sure you pray often. Events are coming your way that aren’t going to be pleasant.


In my dream, although I was shot at, I was never hit or grazed by any of the flying bullets. So I knew, no matter what happened, whenever this dream did manifest itself in real life, I wouldn’t suffer any unpleasant situations. I may suffer from a passing feeling of dread and/or anxiousness (like I did in the dream when I was being shot at) but I knew I’d come out of whatever lied ahead for me in the future victorious and unharmed, just like in the dream.

Now, if you on the other hand happen to have a dream of being shot at, and you find yourself actually getting hurt in that dream, then the materialization of your nightmare may be completely different from mine…in a very bad way.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m not here to scare you. But the things I have seen through dreams, and the events I have witnessed in life, makes it a compulsory duty for me to write this article. It is imperative that you understand that Dreams are the primary means of communication used by the ‘spiritual powers that be’ to communicate with the human world.

You owe it to yourself to know how to identify these divine communications when you receive them, and how to analyze and understand them. Being able to master the art of decoding dreams will help you prepare for the inevitable adversities that are marching towards you OR point you in the right direction if that’s what is needed at the moment.


Source by Jonathan Rayson

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