Tony Robbins CANI! System Explained


“CANI” stands for Constant And Never-ending Improvement. It’s an acronym that Tony developed more than a decade ago and he was influenced by Dr. W. Edwards Deming. Dr. Deming is credited as one of the leaders who brought one of the first quality movements to the Japanese. His basic premise was that the secret to help the Japanese achieve world power and economic success was if every single person and organization commit to constant improvement.

The Japanese have a single word for “constant and never-ending improvement” and it’s called “Kaizen.” Kaizen is from the Japanese words Kai and Zen where “kai” means change and “zen” means good. Yes folks, change is good.

According to Robbins from his Lessons in Mastery series, he didn’t want to embrace the word “Kaizen” because it was a Japanese word and after-all, Dr. Deming was an “American…” therefore it was only proper to create an American word that meant the same as Kaizen. Transformational vocabulary is an important component to the tenets that Robbins teaches, so you can probably understand why Tony wanted to create a brand or a name for the association.

It is very easy to get caught up in your goals and desired end-outcomes…to the point of becoming overwhelmed. CANI offers a solution and a point of reference to focus your attention on. If all you did was improve one tiny aspect of your life every single day, you would achieve mastery in uncommon time.

Benefits of CANI include:

  • Creates a personal and business momentum that will be hard for your competitors to catch up with.
  • Personal satisfaction and fulfillment because it will cause you to grow personally.
  • Leads to innovation. Innovation creates leverage.

Tony Robbins once said, “We only learn our limits by going beyond them.” CANI! is a principle designed to encourage you to make small incremental improvements daily…and in doing so, you will be forced to find a way to go beyond your current set of self-imposed limitations.

Which areas of your life do you want to apply the principles of CANI! Today?

o Prosperity & Financial

o Family Relationships

o Friendship Building

o Health & Fitness

o Spirituality

o Recreation & Pleasure/Joy

o Education & Career Advancement

o Public Service/Volunteering

If you define your success as a “journey” rather than an end-destination, you can take comfort in the fact that personal growth and satisfaction can come from constant and never-ending improvement (CANI!).


Source by Chris Knight

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