Where Can I Find Honest Reviews and Discussions About Flexsteel Furniture?


If you are considering buying Flexsteel furniture, you may have tried to research what other consumers think about the products.

After all, who better to trust than the real people who have paid their own money for Flexsteel furniture? Who better to listen to than the consumers who use Flexsteel sofas and recliners every day? Who has more valuable firsthand experience of what the furniture looks and feels like years after it leaves the store? These people don’t have any interest in sugar coating their opinions, so they can be a great resource to help you make your buying decisions.

Where Are The Reviews Hiding?

But, if you have been searching for reviews and discussion of Flexsteel furniture you may have quickly become frustrated. It turns out that there just aren’t that many great places to find reviews for Flexsteel – or for any furniture companies for that matter. Unlike electronics, cars, and hotels, there just are that many great places to discuss and review furniture. Too bad.

Can’t Say Something Nice?

A few words about the negative reviews. No product only gets glowing, five star reviews. Accurate negative reviews will alert you to the shortfalls of any product. All products have some negative features and it’s fair and reasonable to discuss these. The bottom line is this: does the product I’m looking at have more bad reviews than its competitors? And are there trends in these bad reviews that are deal killers for me?

The Hunt For Good Information

However, I have found a few websites where you can find at least some honest reviews and discussions about Flexsteel.

They are:



ths.gardenweb.com/forums/furniture/ (currently the best place to look)

Go to these sites and search for “Flexsteel”, “Flexsteel Dylan”, “Flexsteel Recliners” and so on, depending on what you are looking for. You’ll find quite a few reviews and discussion threads about Flexsteel.

To find more review sites like these Google “Flexsteel Reviews,” “Flexsteel Discussions,” or “Flexsteel Details”.

My Conclusion?

After looking at a many of the reviews on Flexsteel, as well as competing brands in the same price range like Ashley, Broyhill, Magnussen, Aspehome and so on, it seems that Flexsteel reviews are as good or better than their competitors. Most of these major brands have good quality and great warranties because the furniture business is so large and competitive.

So, the choice of what to buy will probably come down to your style, budget and who you choose to buy from.

In fact, who you choose to buy from might be the most important choice of all. Many of the negative reviews you read about Flexsteel, and other brands, are actually about customer service at particular stores, not the brand itself. Flexsteel has been business since 1893, so they must know something about making products that keep them in business.

Finding Flexsteel Online

If you are looking to buy Flexsteel furniture online, do a Google search for “buy flexsteel online”. You’ll see both paid ads and organic search results for companies that Google has ranked worthy of being on page one. It’s a good sign if Google puts a company on page one of their search results.


Source by Sarah V Moore

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