9 Myths About Pregnancy


Motivating a pregnant woman getting her to realize her potential and dealing with those who are depressed, takes a huge amount of skill. There are some who do it well. Their opinion sometimes is even not overwritten by the doctor's advice especially for the young pregnancies. The innocent and young moms start to believe on some myths regarding pregnancy. The more common myths among them are

Myth # 1

You will go for an instant abortion if you drink milk while you are standing.

Myth # 2

The new baby will have hair on his head which is directly proportional to the amount of the pancakes you cooked during the nine months.

Myth # 3

The sex of the baby can be determined by having the look of the physique of the pregnant woman.

Myth # 4

You should not raise your hands above your head otherwise the umbilical cord will be wrapped around baby's neck.

Myth # 5

If you are active during pregnancy you are going to have a girl. If you sleep more then you will have a boy.

Myth # 6

If you eat more sweets you will have a boy. If the urge of eating spicy food is more you will have a girl.

Myth # 7

If you are looking more charming through the pregnancy, this is because of the girl you are carrying. If you are getting tanner each day this is because of the boy in your womb.

Myth # 8

If your figure does not go under much change except your abdomen this is again due to the boy which you are carrying. If the whole body has gained a lot of weight this is because of the upcoming girl.

Myth # 9

Furthermore the hairstyle of your toddlers also determines the sex of their upcoming brothers and sisters.


But the secret behind all these myths is again the secret of life. When you think something and focus on thinking the whole universe starts an effort to accomplish your thoughts. In simple words the more you think the more it happens. That's why these myths tend to hold true more for those who knew them and believe in them and not for those who believe more on doctors and ultrasounds in this high tech world.


Source by Tehmina Mazher

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