Online Marketing Web Page Copywriting – Three Tips to Create a Page That Will Succeed


The fine art of copywriting has been around for decades. The relatively new art of online marketing web page copy writing is similar, but with a few changes to meet the need of the internet age marketing systems. The problem is that not many copywriters have the skill and knowledge to do it properly. Her are 3 aspects of the game that you should not forget.

Use these 3 important concepts to create massively compelling copy for your content.

1) Key Words- In today’s online marketing web page copywriting; you must work for traffic from highest search engine ranking. This process will require the effective use of relevant keywords. Your copy should be written for the search engine first then for the readers. The title is the larger percent of article draw and must contain your keywords to be noticed. Then you can add a catchy subtitle that sparks the interest of the reader and entices them to open the page.

2) Connect with Reader- In this market, less is better. You have around 8 seconds to make a connection and keep them reading. Use bullet points and highlight key points with bold fonts. Create the feeling that you are the industry expert and that the reader can trust your advice. Skilled online marketing web page copywriting can do that for you. Golden Nugget of the day: Focus on the readers needs and you will make that connection even stronger.

3) Call to Action- Your entire goal is to get people to act. Give strong reasons to take action. Use testimonials and references to make your argument more convincing and credible. There must be an emotionally charged reason to entice the reader to click a link, or buy something. Use the reader’s dreams and even fears to show them the benefits of your offerings.

Today’s copywriter must be able to attract the attention of the search engine bots and still compel the consumer to spend their money on the products at hand. This is more of an art than a science, but it can be learned and honed as with any skill. Learning all you can about internet marketing can be a good start. A solid marketing and mentoring group can make the difference to your success.


Source by Sam Traffanstedt

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