The Ten Steps to Self-Reliance


The best way to succeed in today’s crazy economic environment is to become as self-reliant as possible. In order to succeed, you must be different and interesting…you need to make your mark. No matter what the state of the economy, you need to know who you are, your strengths, talents, skills and what you want to achieve. You must then become focused, actively engaged and passionate about attaining your goal. This is the essence of “being self-reliant.” The following ten steps will take you a long way in your journey of becoming a more self-reliant individual.

1. It all begins with becoming self-aware. You must identify values, beliefs, feelings and emotions as well as other personal attributes that help you clearly pinpoint your strengths, weaknesses and differentiating factors of self. When you truly know who you are, it colors your decision-making process in the most correct shade of truth for you.

2. Self-inquiry must be high on your list because of the importance of having an inquisitive mind in an age where knowledge is the currency, which buys success. Seeking information from many sources and staying informed, opens up many more possibilities.

3. Commitment to life-long learning is key. Your focus on personal development must be a never-ending process. Your ability to learn and continually expand your skills will be the most important ability to perfect, now and in the future.

4. You must explore and create opportunities. Your talent to exercise your research skills to identify, investigate, interpret, assess and seize the chance to make a significant impact will greatly affect your self-reliance.

5. Continual action planning must become second nature. Using your time effectively to identify steps needed to reach a goal, evaluate your progress and prepare contingency plans to help assure forward motion, are all important in providing the answer to the questions: Where am I now? Where do I want to be? What do I need to do to get there? How will I know when I have arrived?

6. Taking risks is a major part of the game. As you develop your self-reliance skills, you will become more comfortable at taking a myriad of risks, better at coping effectively with uncertainty, more creative and innovative, and better at adapting to ever changing circumstances.

7. Networking with others is the hallmark of the information age. Just like the network technology you use or come in contact with, you too must develop a network of relationships consisting of business associates, colleagues, mentors, coaches and friends. This type of support network will provide you with valuable advice and support. It will also provide an excellent feedback system for your innovative ideas, thoughts and concepts.

8. The political awareness to negotiate effectively will open doors for you as you learn to navigate in the new economy. Like it or not, it is very important for you to understand the power struggles, hidden tensions and location of power and influence within your organization. This awareness allows you to more effectively consider the interests and concerns of all stakeholders and increases your ability to reach “win-win” agreements.

9. The art of self-promotion is a positive attribute. Your ability to promote your strengths, talents and abilities for the greater good of the organization, in a convincing manner, is key to promoting your intellectual capital in an economy where knowledge is an absolute must, in the decision making process.

10. A self-reliant person must exercise leadership qualities. A self-reliant person does not stand around wondering what is happening. You must make things happen! You should help others as you have helped yourself.


Source by Roger M Ingbretsen

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