Idaho Investment Property Holds its Ground in These Uncertain Times


It seems that every time a person watches the latest news reports on real estate in the U.S. the news is bad. The fact of the matter, is that the entire U.S. real estate market has not gone to hell in a hand basket as the news reporters would like to have you believe.

Just as some market areas have taken a hit worse then the national average, so too have certain market areas fared better. In fact, some market areas have thrived due to business as well as demographic realities that prevail in those certain areas.

One of those real estate markets is Manhattan commercial real estate, that is in fact booming right now. Still one more real estate market niche is Idaho investment property, with some areas such as the greater Boise area doing better than others.

In fact, during this last year while markets across the U.S. slid in a steady decline, the greater Boise Idaho showed an average 12% appreciation on real estate investments. The biggest reason for the growth in the greater Boise area and Idaho in general, is due to the influx of retiring baby bloomers who have targeted Idaho as prime retirement country.

Cool-to-mild climate and plenty of elbow room along with a relatively low cost of living are just a few of the things that make the Idaho investment property market a viable alternative to other areas of the country. Still one other factor is stability in its lower yet far more consistent annual land and home appreciation figures that don’t suffer from the downward adjustments that so many other many market areas tend to do.

All across the U.S. people are now finding out the hard way that excessive appreciation in market areas is great until they get stuck in an adjustment period in a home that they can’t sell that is losing its value as each day passes.


Source by Joesph Gruff

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