How to Find New Customers in a Competitive Market


In a competitive marketplace, tapping into new customers is almost like rocket science. Without an increased number of customers you cannot increase your sales, even if you are an established business. And if you are a newbie planning to get along with your start up, you are in the middle of nowhere, without a bunch of new customers interested in your business. Therefore, while trying to attract new customers to your business, you need to be very careful about the steps to take and before taking a step you have to carefully calculate the possible outcomes. Besides, you need to attain the capacity of manipulating every single opportunity that you get. Customers are the life force for your business and while attracting new customers you cannot forget about the old ones as well, as customer loyalty is your ultimate goal in a business.

Here are a few tips that can help you to get new customers while you are able to retain the old ones as well:

· Define the boundary of the target audience domain:

Before you start to communicate with potential customers to pull them towards your business, you need to define the target audience domain. In order to do this, you can identify several segments and create possible profiles for your customers. For example, if you are planning to tap into consumers for smart phones, you can find out the age group of people that will appear as the major buyers of your products and then target them during the marketing process.

· Identify your competitors in the local market:

If you want to be in the limelight, you need to know how to show yourself as unique providers to the potential customers. And, therefore, you definitely need to know who your closest competitors in the local market are and how they are serving their customers. In order to represent yourself as a unique and surprising business to consumers you need to grab all the aspired qualities of your competitors and build up additional values on top of those.

· Be concise and clear about what you have to offer:

Once you know who your target audience will be, and what would be the possible set of values that you are offering to them, you need to design your own products or service features and be clear in your offerings so that customers can easily understand what exactly you have for them.

· Extend your business plans and develop methodologies to convert new customers into repeating ones:

To be able to gain a sustainable growth path for your business, it is never enough just to attract new customers to your business. Your offers should be such that customers that have come to you once consider coming back to you repeatedly to meet their needs.

And you need to remember, that in case you want to be in the business for a longer period, you have to keep a keen eye on the businesses that have already achieved success in your niche market. Copying another business is not a good idea, however, your preferred method can be to learn from the mistakes they have made and build up your business on the already achieved success saga of those businesses.


Source by Kenneth Ajoku

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