Understanding Butch Lesbian Personals


There are two sides of lesbian personality, butch and femme. Both are equally important in lesbian dating scene since both sides are dating each other to form a nice and enjoyable relationship among the two. In this article, we are going to discuss butch lesbian personals and how you can understand them better.

With more women seeking women for serious relationship or casual dating, the role of lesbian personality becomes more prominent. Just like the general population commented on how gay men dress nicely, butch lesbian personals are receiving comments about their masculine — rather manly — appearances. Butch is the ‘male’ side in a lesbian relationship, and it is only natural to see these lesbian personals acting more manly than femmes.

You can also meet a stone masculine lesbian during your exploration in the world of same-sex relationship. The difference between butch and stone lesbians is that stone lesbians don’t really like to be touched sexually; they are there to satisfy their partner only. In fact, stone butch lesbians actually get their sense of satisfaction by satisfying their partner sexually.

The general misconception about the more masculine lesbian is that they want to be men. Although there are several cases where this concept is actually true, it is actually incorrect in the more common lesbian dating scene. “Men” lesbians don’t really want to become men; it is not a matter of sexuality at all. It is simply an inborn trait, and most of them are showing signs of being manly long before they get in touch with the lesbian dating scene.

On the inside, these lesbians are women. They have the same caring and gentle heart; the only difference is that they assume a role that allows them to act manly and enjoy manly things. For instance, it is only natural that butches love to deal with cars or to fix things, and femmes can pretty much love the same things as well. They are simply women who feel comfortable expressing and showing their masculine side, no matter what they do or when they do it.


Source by Alice Douglas

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