How to Talk to MLM Leads and Turn MLM Leads Into Customers


It has been quite awhile but I still remember how difficult it was to overcome the fear and trepidation I had when I bought my first MLM Leads list and knew that I must call all of those strains. I understood that these people were on the list because they had asked for MLM information, but still, how does one open the conversation?

I did not have near the system that I do now, of course, but more than that, I just had no idea how to sponsor people. Finally, I learned something that started to explode my online business and those MLM Leads were joining my business.I learned that it's not so much WHAT are you and what are you doing? Going to determine whether that prospect is going to join you in your business or not.

Why is that important? Well, when I first got involved in internet marketing, I felt this huge pressure to sponsor people in my internet business. When I picked up the telephone, somehow the urgency (maybe even some desperation) would come through in my voice.

Guess what happens when you call a prospect and they 'feel' your intention to sell them something? Yup, that's right! They run. When that happens over and over, tension builds and calling leads becomes the most detested chore in building an online business. Think about all the possible leaders I missed out on only because I had no clue about how to approach my MLM leads when I called them.

Think about this concept. You are building a business – a future – and hopefully for many years. The people you sponsor will be your partners and you will be working with them for a long time … possibly ten or twenty years or more. When this concept occurred to me I changed the way I approach my MLM leads. Now I interview them. I try to find out why they are interested in this business and what their background and business experience is. I am sorting through the leads to find someone I like and will enjoy working with for the long term.

When I interview them I want to know if they have a dream – a goal – for the future. They are willing to take action and actually work to make that dream come true. I know that not everyone will get off the dime and do what it takes to reach their goal and stick with it for the long term. When we take the time to interview and sort out leads for future partner, calling becomes a treasure hunt and you will find people eager to join with you. In this process you establish yourself as an "expert" marketer and develop trust from your downline who were only MLM Leads before you picked up the telephone.


Source by Norma Marshall

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