6 Ideas To Motivate Your MLM Company’s Downline


It is very important for you as a leader in your MLM company to keep your downline motivated. Here are 6 task that you can implement.

*Recognize your associates publicly. When you’re on a conference call with a group of associates or when you are sending the group a message by e-mail, publicly praise your associates for even their small attempts to get their business started.

*Work with your associate-on-one. Personal attention is a motivating factor. People thrive on it, and it makes them feel like they’re adding value to the organization.

*Be accessible! Many of the superstars in this industry are not accessible. A leader whom you can reach on the phone or by e-mail creates a feeling of confidence among associates.

*Arrange special events for your associates. Buy tickets for your team’s leadership conferences and to any place that other leaders who have something important to say to network marketers. Join your leaders at these events. Doing so is an incredible bonding experience. Anytime you can get your group together, do something to celebrate the victories in your organization. If you can’t do it in person, get everyone on the phone.

*Send handwritten notes. Say things like “I believe in you!” and “You’re going to the top!” Write it on thank-you cards and send them to your associates. Nowadays hand-written notes are unexpected, and when you receive one, you know it’s personal, and it was directed to you.

*Use text messaging to send your team a positive message.

You can use many other ideas to motivate your team. Whatever you do, be sincere. Also, use words of praise and motivation to help your associates stretch their talents. This will ensure that you are building a solid MLM company.


Source by Wendell Wilkins

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