6 Ways to Stop Your Wife Cheating Now


So you think your wife is cheating on you? You are not sure, maybe she is only thinking about cheating, but things are different and you are suspicious.

You can turn things around.

Do you know about married women who cheat? Statistics show that wives cheat as often as men do, but they cheat for different reasons.

So lets get to how you can stop your wife cheating. You need to go back to the days when you were dating her, before you got married. You need to start all over again. You need to compete with who ever she is having the affair with and win. Then you need to keep it up for life and you will never have to worry about her cheating again.

1: Start listening to her, really listen to her and be interested in everything she has to say. This means if you are watching TV and she comes in and wants to talk, turn the TV off. I bet you get a big positive reaction the first time you do this. You need to show her that she is very important to you, in fact, that she is more important than anything else in your life. Come home early if you can, spend more time with her. Organize a date night once a week just for the two of you. You book the restaurant, you organize the babysitter, you tell her how beautiful she looks. Start to tell her about your feelings and how you would like to have your life in the future. Ask her what she would like for the future. Really start to engage with her and be a couple. These are the things that you can do to get your wife back. Start today.

2: Tell her how much she means to you. Tell her every day. Explain to her that you appreciate everything she does for you and your children. Thank her for the meals she prepares, thank her for being a great mother, thank her every chance you get.

3: Help her physically. Start doing the chores around the house that you have not been helping with. Say you will look after the children while she has her hair done. Help her carry things. Start offering to help with the dishes, do the vacuuming, just start really helping her wherever you can. These acts of service will be much appreciated.

4: Start buying your wife little gifts. Bring her home a red rose for no special reason. What about a big box of chocolates, or a teddy bear. Surprise her with gifts every day, they do not have to be expensive, they just need to show her that you are thinking about her and want her to be happy.

5: Give her a big hug. Start to show her plenty of affection. Now I am not talking about sex. That can come later. But for now, touch her hand, touch her arm, give her a big hug. Offer to give her a massage, make a big deal of it, warm the oil, light the candles, put on the relaxation music and give her the treat of her life. Then give her more hugs.

6: When you wake up each day think about how you can make today better for your wife and then put these things into action. How proud you will be knowing that your wife is the happiest person you know.

One word of warning! Once you do all these things your wife may think that you have changed so much because you are having an affair. Just explain that you have finally realized how much you love her and that you want to make the rest of your lives wonderful.

If you do all the things I mention here, you will make your wife happy. What more can you want?


Source by Di McDonald

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