A Few Marketing Strategies I Do Not Understand


It may be the end of the summer season and the nip of fall is being felt around the country but the fleas in my yard are having none of it. They have decided that our dogs, and ultimately our home, will make a great place to habitat for the winter months.

Even though we have taken every precaution known to man (or so we thought) from keeping those irritating fleas at bay, their will to survive against the odds is strong.

As I scrubbed, bombarded, washed and attempted to eradicate the annoying creatures I started thinking about marketing fleas. You know what I refer to: advertisements that seem to dig under your skin and will not go away.

Marketers spend a lot of time and effort developing marketing ideas and a strategy that will keep their client’s brand in the minds of the public. Along the way they also endeavor to create a buzz. Marketing solutions used to create a buzz is common, but not all buzz is because a product or company is amazing. Sometimes a marketing buzz is simply a lot of noise created because the marketing efforts left a lot to be desired.

It is never easy to create a marketing strategy that will please everyone. In fact it is impossible. If  you know which niche of clients you are going after and what they are looking for, catering your strategy to them and them alone can be profitable: if you only offer one product or service. If however, you offer multiple products or services it is better to make a marketing strategy encompass many instead of few.

Here are a few of the marketing fleas that have gotten under my skin and why I find them irritating.


It is incredible to me that good looking people with more money than sense have nothing better to do with their time and money than hire a PR firm so everyone in the known universe knows their name and face. Other than the fact they know how to work the media, why should we care? They produce and contribute nothing to the betterment of man yet we crave seeing what we can about them. Over time if their PR firm is doing their job all of a sudden these creatures of glam now have marketers pounding on their door offering a perfume named after them, a clothing line or shoe line or horror of horrors a TV show despite the fact the “face” has little or no experience in these fields.  Speaking of which that brings me to…

Reality TV:

While I do enjoy some types of shows where they put a group of people together in a situation to see what develops, I still cannot grasp why watching the goings on of “D” list pseudo-celebrities in their daily lives is considered entertainment. Marketers hype their shows constantly and are always on the lookout for someone willing to make a fool of themselves in public. Television channels reap the financial benefits of a public wanting to see the famous and sometimes infamous humiliate themselves. Personally, I would rather watch a sports program. This subject led me to…

Light Beer Commercials:

I applaud beer makers for finding a way to satisfy those who like the taste of their product and want to cut down on our nation’s caloric intake, but do your commercials have to be that idiotic towards men? Marketing 101 teaches us that the more nonsensical a marketing idea is the more people remember your brand. However, I think these marketing geniuses that beer companies use are going too far, unless of course it was their intention all along to have us irritated. If so they are doing one heck of a job. Talking about irritating…

Christmas In October:

Those who like to craft products for decoration and gift giving are used to finding holiday accessories available months in advance. It takes time to create and we cannot be rushed. It boggles my mind though seeing more and more stores stock Christmas decorations in October alongside the Halloween decorations. Why can’t we go back to doing that the day after Thanksgiving? Nowadays by the time December rolls around I am so heartily sick of glitter, lights and the ever present holiday music I turn into Scrooge at the drop of a Santa hat. I want the marketing hustle and bustle and last minute shopping forays of my youth again instead. Is that so much to ask?

There you have it. A few of the marketing fleas in life I simply cannot seem to get rid of. What types of marketing irritate you?


Source by Grace OMalley

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