Free MLM Marketing Strategies Part 2: Off-Line Marketing


In Part 1 of this article, I explained some of the best free MLM marketing strategies that you can use to build your business online. Now in Part 2, I will be discussing some free MLM marketing strategies that you can use off-line.

Free MLM Marketing Strategies For Off-line Marketing

Nowadays there are a lot more off-line MLM marketing strategies than just the traditional ones that most people are used to.

MEET UP GROUPS is one of the new MLM marketing strategies that many network marketers have been using to garner some great results. Basically, is a website that you can use to find local "Meet Up Groups" is your city or area. Use this site to find local networking or home based business groups that you can attend to network with other like-minded people.

The trick to prospecting at meet up events is, talking to lots of people, building relationships and collecting business cards without ever introducing what you do.

One you've collected the business cards of people you think you'd like to work with, simple follow-up with them the next day on the phone. It's as simple as saying, "Hi {first name}. My name is {your name}. We met yesterday at {such and such group.} I did not get the chance to mention this yesterday but I've got a side Project that I'm working on that will not interfere with what you're doing right now. Would you be open to an alternative way of making money?

If they say "No", thank them for their time and move on. If they say "Yes," say, "That's great, I'll send you an email with all the details." It's as easy as that.

BELLY-TO-BELLY marketing will always be a great free MLM marketing strategy, it just depends on how you do it. You may have heard that any and everyone is a prospect, but it's simply not true. You can not just approach any random stranger about your business before you build a relationship or some kind of rapport with them. You have to be interested in other people and their wants and needs. Not just yours.

Trying to sell your business to someone who is not interested in joining a business, is a lot like trying to sell a big, juicy steak to a vegetarian. No matter how good you say it is, they will not want it. So instead of trying to turn vegetarians into meat eaters, it is a better idea to just market your steak to people who are already eat meat … Get my drift?

Basically what I'm saying is, when you are trying to prospect strangers, friends and family, people at Meet up group and networking event or anywhere else that you would try to find prospects, try finding out about the person BEFORE you try to pitch Them on your business.

Have your feelings out there to see if they do actually hate their job or current business, or if they are interested in finding an alternative way to make money. If they are, THEN tell them that you've got something that they need to take a look at, if they're not, then leave it alone.

One of the best lines to use after learning someone's wishes and needs is, "Hey just throwing this out there, but I've got a side project that I'm working on that would not interfere with what you're doing right now. Would you be open to making more money? Who could say no to that?

If they say "NO, it does not matter." If they say "Yes", get their name (if you do not know it already) and email address, and tell them that you will send them a link to your website .

A good line to use in order to take the pressure off is, "If it's not for you, no big deal, but if it is great, I'll talk to you again soon."

If they ask, "What is it?", Do not get into the details of explaining your company. That's what your website and marketing material is for. Let them know that you can not explain now because you're in a hurry, but you'll send them an email with all of the details. Then get out of there.

Last but not least, always go for REFERRALS. If you're speaking to a lead and they're not interested in your business, say to them, "Well you're not interested, but surly you've got to know someone who has been affected by the economy or lost their job Mind if we share this with them? " You can use that line to gather 100's of new leads that you might never have gotten before. You just have to ask.


Source by Liam Davis

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