Stay at Home Moms Business Opportunity – A Network Marketing Alternative


Read on to find out about a Stay at Home Moms Business Opportunity; a new kind of business opportunity that you’ve probably never heard of, but one that lots of WAHMs are starting to embrace. Not only can you make some good side money, but you could literally replace your (& your husband’s,) full time income. Yes, it is possible!

Do you want to be a stay at home mom? Do you want to take an active part in your children’s lives? Do you want to be the one to pack their school lunches, go to their soccer games, their school plays, even just go to the playground together? Are you looking for the perfect stay at home moms business opportunity?

Basically we all want to see our children grow up. But then there’s the problem of m-o-n-e-y. Money just doesn’t grow on trees, and growing children require money, lots of it. So what’s a mom to do? Well, you’ve probably heard of the term “stay at home mom” or “work at home mom”. In order to bridge that gap of money and family (but not a job), we mothers try to work at home. We look for work that we can do at our own hours and that pay well.

If you’re looking for a stay at home moms business opportunity, then you’ve probably come across considering an MLM (network marketing) company, or direct marketing company. Some people have had success doing it. I haven’t. As per instructions, I started selling to my “warm” market that is family, friends & neighbors, first. After a few weeks, I realized friends & family were avoiding me. (You know the joke about the life insurance agent…) Besides, I hated forcing high priced cosmetics & health related items on them.

So, I started searching for a Stay at Home Moms Business Opportunity. And, boy did I find it! It’s called affiliate marketing. In affiliate marketing you find someone with a need (everyone!) and you fill that need, making a commission in the process. You don’t have to chase friends & family and beg them to buy whatever it is that you’re selling. You find a customer that’s ready to buy and you tell them where to buy it. You don’t have to carry any inventory, and there’s no customer service on your part.

The potential to make money (lots) is there. Lots of people have quit their day job and make six figure incomes. However, there is a learning curve involved. And that’s where WA comes in. If you’re really interested in a legitimate, online stay at home moms business opportunity, you owe it to yourself and your family to check this out.


Source by Goldie Krausz

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