100 Mental Training Success Tips Home Business Entrepreneurs Should Know and Do


A collection of success tips that I have gathered over many years of working with independent online business entrepreneurs. I have created a list of my 100 favorites that I personally follow to drive forward my online home business. I organized the tips into areas covering attitude and discipline, focus and visualization, time and task management, income and lifestyle, knowledge and skills, personal growth and lifestyle, evaluating your activity, and giving and adding value.


1. Be persistent and give yourself time for momentum to kick in.

2. Make up in numbers what you lack in skills.

3. Celebrate success at every step.

4. Learn to manage the opinions – everyone has a right to have one – never make it personal.

5. You are not the message, you are the messenger.

6. Your family and friends may not understand the journey you are on.

7. Everything works when we work.

8. If you get overwhelmed and confused, go back to doing the basics.

9. Pass the three-part test – loyalty, work habits, consistency.

10. Have a warrior spirit. Set objectives and take action every day.

11. Make a commitment to any new activity. Succeeding at something is about taking not making a decision.

12. Being successful is the ability to continue with your plan long after the emotion and circumstances surrounding your original decision has passed.

13. Your confidence is what makes you attractive in the market place. People buy people they know, like and trust.

14. Avoid negative thinking and negative people that bring you down and steal your dreams.

15. FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Growth comes from stepping outside your comfort zone.

16. Run to your fears. The place where your greatest fears live is also the place where your greatest growth lies. (Robin Sharma)

17. An ounce of action is worth a ton of ebooks.

18. All excuses are equal and none of them count.


19. Know what you want, why you want it, and when you want it by. Write it down, read it twice a day. Know the price and pay the price.

20. Visualize your destiny – 'see it' and plan it – be very specific about what success looks like and feels like, and do this for each and every milestone or goal you set.

21. If you think you can or think you can not, you will always be right. (Henry Ford)

22. Try to be solution focused.

23. Understand the true power of dreams and goals, they act like magnets pulling us forward and need to be strong enough to break away from the past pulling your back.

24. Only an idea has the power to spread.

25. The only thing you need to believe in is your own work ethic and how badly you want to succeed.

26. Keep your inner flame going with personal development and being active in the community.

27. Use positive language. Words, thoughts, actions, results. Pursue all your challenges and obstacles with a positive mental attitude.

28. Mental visualization is all important to your longer term success. How do you want to see yourself, how you hold yourself, your expectations – create a detailed set of images of who you want to be.


29. Get organized.

30. Consistency is far better than the occasional blitz.

31. Create a daily method of operation, discipline yourself and be accountable to yourself.

32. Everything works-but find a daily method of operation that works for you, around your personal situation and commitments.

33. Fill your time only with productive activities.

34. Set out your goals and work backwards so you know what needs to get done.

35. Develop a sense of urgency and get into massive action.

36. Remember that you, of all people, deserve your undivided attention.

37. Anyone or anything that tries to distract you from your mission and goals should not be tolerated.

38. Being busy is not the same as being productive. Do not be busy being poor, be busy adding value to your life.

39. Develop good time management. It's not the hours you put into your business, it's the business you put into your hours.

40. Lead flow is the source of your momentum and income growth. Do not over-worry on conversions until you have a good lead flow into your business.

41. Support and encourage your team members, but do not be responsible for someone else's business. Balance motivating and guiding with encouraging independence.


42. Run your business, do not let it run you. Build a business on the vision of the life you want to live and start living it.

43. Get going fast, massive action equals massive results.

44. Remember that selling a 6 figure income opportunity is not about the money, it's about a dream lifestyle free from debt free to work when you want, where you want, how you want

45. Only market products that earn you significant return on your investment of time and budget.

46. ​​"Top Tier" Opportunities Attract "Top Tier" People That Are Smarter (And More Fun To Work With)

47. Identify the top five things you do in your business that generate 80% of the results.

48. Know your business numbers – your running costs and your bottom line.

49. Reinvest your earnings back into your marketing.

50. Promote, promote, promote – call to action, make offers, create demand.

51. Focus on the long-term residual income potential is not the short-term earnings of your business.

52..Avoid discounting. People do not buy on price, they buy on value.

53. 80% of the world does what everyone else does and lead an ordinary, average life. Only 3% live extraordinary lives because they make extraordinary choices and do extraordinary things.

54. You are the person that sets the pace of your business. Make a decision on exactly what your goals are and develop the daily discipline to achieve them.


55. Know your craft and be knowledgeable, committed, loyal and enthusiastic about the products you choose to market and the company.

56. Keep it simple, do not reinvent a proven formula.

57. If you get stuck, find ways to get out of the glue quickly to avoid negative impact.

58. Do not think about what you know, be curious about things you do not yet know.

59. If you have doubts, learn more about your company, your products, your business, your craft.

60. Better to personally act upon the information contained in two good books than to be able to quote from a hundred.

61. Build your business like you build a water pump. It takes some time to set up and you have to crank the handle, but then the water comes with just a light touch.

62. Marketing is not an exact science. It takes trial & error.


63. Compete with yourself. Finish each month stronger than the one before so you feel and see you are growing.

64. Build trust and confidence in your community and with your audience.

65. Be a leader. Step up to the mark – get up, dress up and show up and give back.

66. Do not miss out on opportunities to experience extraordinary things. Go the 'extra' mile.

67. Leadership is a choice not a title. Take 100% responsibility. Blaim is drain, never complain. You have complete control over your future.

68. Teach only what you do. People do what you do not what you say.

69. Gather testimonials for your product, your team, you. A testimonial is a true story packaged in a powerful way so as to impact and influence others.

70. Get out from behind your PC sometimes. Shoot videos outside or go do some offline advertising

71. Develop a positive 'can-do' 'will-do' attitude fueled by your desire to succeed.

72. Affirm your belief in yourself, every single day celebrate your achievements and breakthroughs.

73. Learn and adopt what successful people do. Master the fundamentals that are working before you modify, adapt and innovate.

74. Do the uncomfortable or difficult stuff first – ("Eat That Frog", Brian Tracy). It soon becomes comfortable and second nature.

75. Set a goal to become a millionaire, not for the money but for the person you will become (Jim Rohn)

76. Make the best of what you have but always be hungry for more.


77. Learn from what's not working and become a problem solver.

78. Leave your ego at the door.

79. Check your positioning – are your leads targeted, do they convert well.

80. Plan, Do, Review. Do not procrastinate, just get stuck in and take action. Ready, fire, aim.

81. Do not look to the magic bullet – multi-task, look for new opportunities, test and refine.

82. Monitor your results against your plan. Did you do the activity?

83. Qualify your prospects. Do not try to sell them, let them sell you. Questions are the answer.

84. Your results are your feedback. Blame no-one but yourself. You are where you are and how you are because of the decisions you have made over time.

85. If you're doing the activity, getting the numbers, you're energy and attitude right, it's usually something missing from your skill set. Communication.

86. If you fail to meet your expectations on any one day, do not drop the ball but work twice as hard the next. Do not get used to accepting dropping the ball. Get up tomorrow a little bit better.

87. It's easier to do the work than deal with the disappointment in yourself of not meeting your targets.


88. Create uniqueness & value in what you put out on the internet.

89. The market does not pay you on what you need, it pays on value. Those that help the most people make the most money.

90. If you want to double your income, you must double your value in the market place.

91. Stop making it about you, your business, and what you need to happen. Rather identify what others need most and how you can help others get more of what they want.

92. Focus on taking people to the next step in your sales & marketing funnel, not all the way in one leap.

93. Authenticity dramatically increases your results.

94. Pick up the phone to connect with your leads, new members and customers.

95. Form groups and communities to target interest and build relationships (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn)

96. Learn how to flick the switch with people. Develop emotional intelligence. Find their pain points and show them the solution and get them thinking in a new direction.

97. Find people, sponsor them, work with them to keep them.

98. Be clear about your business processes, what to do at each step so you can take others through that process, lead by example.

99. Teach, validate, recognize and refresh your team.

100. Seek inspiration, but every day also be someone else 'inspiration, it will feel amazing!


Source by Jay Allyson

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