Jelqing Results


In this article I will be writing about jelqing. Jelqing is a very old technique that originated from the ancient Arabs, when a father would teach his son how to increase his manhood by elongating his penis. The jelqing technique is very simple and has been repeatedly performed by men for many centuries.

You need to make an 'OK' sign with one hand and grip your penis with that hand. Then, you need to push the hand over the penis in a movement known as the milking the shaft. This makes more blood flow towards the penis. Over time, the jelqing technique helps the blood flow to the area. When this happens you get a harder erection and the penis grows. Over the time, there's growth of tissue in the penis and that increases the size and the width of the penis.

Jelqing results may vary from person to person, but if you do the penis enlargement exercises properly you can expect certain results. There have been gains in length reported of 1 to 4 inches, but in my experience I would say you can typically expect 2 to 3 inches. The first inch is usually the easiest to gain and you should get it within the first few weeks. After that first inch the gains will typically come a bit slower. The good news is jelqing results are permanent. The penis will become enlarged while flaccid and while erect, but especially during erect.

Normally, as you gain length in your penis you will also gain width. That width will compensate for the added inches in length. At the end you will usually end up with more thickness than when you started. Something you might not realize is that it has been proven that the women's anatomy is made to enjoy the width of the penis more than length during intercourse. These exercises will not only make your penis longer and thicker, but you will have harder erections and an overall unhealthy sexual organ.

Time and consistency are what determine your gains. Your results will be better the longer you keep doing these exercises. Up to 4 inch gains are possible and whether you obtain them or not will depend on the amount of time you stick with the exercise. The total amount of time you will need to see gains will vary for everyone. Some guys will get gains faster than others, but at the end if you do the jelqing exercises correctly and stick to them, you will see results of one to four inches.

For the first week or so, you should only jelq for around 10 minutes every day. After you have been doing the exercises for a week or so, work it up to 20 minutes per day. After 2 weeks, go up to approximately 30 minutes. After about 3 to 4 months you should have reached your maximum potential bearing in mind you performed the exercise correctly. After 3 to 4 months of daily practice, results will be pretty obvious, but I will encourage you to continue using jelqing exercises to keep your penis in prime shape.

After the third or fourth month you can start doing these exercises 5 days a week, still for 30 minutes each time. Do not squeeze too hard or you may braise your penis. These techniques have worked for many men, but you must understand in some rare cases it may take up 6 months before you see any noticeable jelqing results .

This technique works, but as with everything else in life, if you want the best results you must be consistent.


Source by Matt Napleton

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