26 Characteristics Parents Should Have


Parents play an important role in nurturing and raising future generations of socially competent, kind and gracious citizens. Positives values can and should be inculcated in children of pre-school age. The Proverb: ” Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it” calls for parents not to miss out this important phase of a child’s development to cultivate the desirable character traits.

By getting them to initialise the right values, you are equipping them with important life-skills that will help them grow into strong, competent, kind, caring and responsible individuals. Parents must consciously and consistently model the right behaviourial traits and set a good example. Here are the A to Z characteristics all parents should have.

Characteristics of Good Parents:

Acknowledging, they learn self-respect.

Believing, they persevere without fret.

Communicating, they speak what’s right.

Developing, they grow in beauty and pride.

Embracing, they gain warmth and affection.

Feeling, they learn empathy and compassion.

Giving, they understand the joy of receiving.

Honoring, they experience self-esteem.

Interacting, they enjoy being understood.

Justifying, they know what’s right and true.

Knowing, they grow in wisdom and self-reliance.

Loving, they learn discipline and obedience.

Motivating, they fulfill their potential.

Nourishing, they find strength and determination.

Observing, they know there is ready help each day.

Protecting, they feel recognized and safe at play.

Questioning, they engage in higher-order-thinking.

Respecting, they know it’s alright to imagine.

Supporting, they sense you care to listen.

Trusting, they dare to venture and learn.

Understanding, they are challenged to be risk-takers.

Valuing, they learn to be peaceful problem-solvers.

Watching, they acknowledge mistakes and gain confidence.

eXploring, they exercise autonomy and independence.

Yearning, they set internal limits and aspirations.

Zoning, they recognise boundaries and expectations.


Source by Kevin Goh

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