A Guide On How To Write A Cover Letter


Are you looking for relevant information on how to write a cover letter? Well I'm positive the following details will give you a better understanding of what's required.

This is arguably the most important part of the job process, as it's generally the first thing that a prospective employer will see and if the first impression is not favorable then, the chances of getting an interview are very slim.

There are typically two approaches to a cover letter either a handwritten or a typed version. If you're enclosing a typed CV then a handwritten version would be more suitable or if you're just introducing yourself to a business or sending a speculative letter then, a typed version would suffice. I personally prefer a handwritten cover letter, as it shows that you've made an extra effort in writing out a letter.

However, it does pay to check what the positions application requirements to ensure you attend to them in your application including your cover letter.

What should a cover letter include?

• Date of writing
• Contact details
• Name of recipient
• Introduction of yourself
• Suitability for company employment
• What you can offer the business
• How you can be contacted
• Your sincerely (if you know who you're writing to)
• Yours faithfully (if you do not know their name)
• Your own name at the end

It is still quite amazing in the current employment situation that, people are still making basic mistakes in applying for jobs, either through lack of knowledge of what's required or just laziness. There are still jobs out there that need filling and if you want to give yourself better leverage and more chances of job success then, it's crucial to get the basics absolutely right.

If you feel that you need a helping hand or just someone to point you in the right direction then, you've certainly come to the right place. Our website is packed full of hints and tips that guides on how to correctly approach the jobs marketplace and what employers are really looking for, especially when it comes to a cover letter.

Just remember the first form of contact is the most critical and it can make or break your futures chances of an interview and employment, so if you want to increase your opportunities of future employment then, jump onto our website listed below where you can access a Free professional cover letter that is ideal for any job.


Source by Kylie Dowell

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