Importance and Advantages of Fire Extinguishers


Fire extinguishers are among the items we own that we do not want to use. These devices end up on the wall or at the corner of the room gathering dust. This makes other homeowners doubt if they really need one.

We know that owning such device is important for our safety. We do not want to use them no matter how many we own because we do not want to deal with fire. Although we know that it is possible to happen, we do not entertain the thought of it occurring.

Owning a device such as the powder fire extinguisher is a form of ensuring safety. All homes need it just in case a fire starts. It can save our property from burning because the use of the device will help prevent it from spreading and can even stop the flame in no time.

In addition, extinguishers have various advantages. Below are some of them:

1. You do not have to buy one every month or every year

The device is long lasting. Some disposable types have a shelf life of twelve to fifteen years. You only have to see to it that you observe proper maintenance. You can also refill other types. It is like buying something that can protect you for the longest time and you do not even have to mind it is there as long as you can access it when the need arises.

2. It occupies a small portion of the house

You do not have to worry about its storage. This is because of several reasons. First, you do not have to hide it. Next, you can hang it on the wall. In addition, there are available fire extinguisher cabinets that will help you organize them.

It is all right if the guest can see your fire extinguishers. In fact, it is better. People who will visit you will feel secure because of the precautionary measures you are taking.

3. It is easy to use

Using it is easy. Once you know how it works, it is easy for you to use them when you need to. You only need to remember these four steps:

a. Pull the pin out of the top of the device.

b. Aim the nozzle at the fuel source.

c. Squeeze the lever to release the contents of the device.

d. Make a sweeping motion as you squeeze the lever.

4. It does not require tough maintenance routine. This varies according to what the manufacturer tells you. Some powder fire extinguishers will require you to shake its container once a month. Others on the other hand will need maintenance check twice a year.

5. Certain types stop the fire and leave your appliances undamaged. This is a major concern in offices. How will you stop fire without damaging the computers and other machines? Manufacturers have this in mind and developed devices that are not toxic to the electrical devices but can still stop the fire.

Although you think that you will not use an extinguisher, it is wise to invest in them. It is better to be ready than feel helpless in the end.


Source by Brian Ayling

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