Desperately Want to Control Clutter, Lose Embarrassment and Have People Visit?


For many people, clutter is a way of life. Clutter control can often be difficult if you do not have a direction or a starting point. It can often be overwhelming. However, it does not have to be. There are a variety of different things that can help you with this problem, while making your life a lot less stressful.

Clutter can often make people feel very stressed and overwhelmed. They often feel like their life is out of control. However, clutter control can make your life more serene and calm. Organization is one of the key aspects of getting your clutter under control. You will need to be willing to get rid of items that are simply taking up space in your house.

In order to gain control of your clutter, begin by separating. Start in one room and divide the items into three categories: keep, sale / donate and trash. By placing items into one of these three categories, will be amazed at how quickly your clutter can be eliminated. After you have tackled one room, you can then move through the rest of the house. In order to not feel overwhelmed, you may want to work on the rooms in small doses. Maybe pick an hour or two each day to work on it.

One good rule for clutter control is that if you have not used an item in a year then it is time to get rid of it. Chances are, if you have not touched an item in that period of time, you are not going to use it anytime soon. Therefore, it is time to get rid of it. You will be amazed how much space you can free up by donating or selling items you no longer use.

After you have gone through all of your things, it is important that you find a way to organize the remaining items. A filing cabinet is ideal for getting your paperwork under control. Make a variety of different files for bills, warranties and other important documents. When you receive an important piece of paper that needs to be filed, make sure you do it immediately. The longer you put it off, the easier it becomes for the clutter to take over again.

Try to come up with a central location to place items such as purses, keys, backpacks etc. That way, when you are trying to get out of the house in the morning, you will have everything you need in one place. Mornings will be a lot calmer if you are not running around trying to locate items you need to get out of the house.

When you use something, make sure you put it back exactly where it goes. Although this may sound trivial, you will be amazed how much better you feel knowing things are where they should be. It will make things a lot less complicated when you go to look for it the next time.

Clutter control can quickly make your life feel calmer and more relaxed. It is easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed when you are surrounded by clutter. With some simple steps, you can gain control over your clutter and keep it out of your life permanently.


Source by Sheri Davis Collins

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