Natural Cold and Flu Remedies


There are two schools of thought when it comes to colds and the flu, prevention and treatment. There are natural remedies for both. If you begin your natural approach to prevention before you get a cold or the flu, you will get over both of these a lot sooner and your symptoms will not be as bad. Below are some ideas for natural prevention and natural treatments.

Natural Prevention

There are natural cold and flu prevention remedies available at most stores today. They come in the form of pills, nasal sprays and drops. These types of remedies are also safe for children. Many of the natural remedies that are offered in pill form are to be dissolved slowly under your tongue.

There are even natural forms of the flu vaccine that is available each year. These natural forms are available in liquids, gels, sprays and swabs and are applied directly to the nose or throat. Natural prevention remedies are best used right after or right before you are exposed to the virus to prevent you from getting the symptoms. Some natural cold and flu prevention remedies are:

1.      Wild Cherry Bark is commonly sold as syrup but you can also find it in tea form. It is a good natural remedy when some of the symptoms that you have are a cough and a sore throat. The fruit itself is rich in Vitamin C and it is good to take to prevent the onslaught of a cold or the flu. It is easy to use. You just put crushed wild cherry berries in a drink or eat them plain.

2.      Another great natural remedy that works as a treatment or as a preventive measure is Elderberry. Elderberry commonly is sold as syrup and in some areas, it is locally grown. People that use Elderberry on a consistent basis say that it works great to prevent you from getting the cold or the flu.

3.      Astragalus is a Chinese medicine and it is generally used for night sweats and diarrhea. However, it is also widely used to improve one’s immune function.  Some people use it for heart conditions and it is said to lower blood pressure. However, no human studies have been conducted on astragalus so you might want to speak with your doctor before using this natural remedy. It is commonly found in capsule form.

Natural Treatments

Natural treatment options are readily available in stores and it is best to use them right after your symptoms appear. Here are a few of the more common ones:

1.      Garlic is a very common and powerful herb. To make a very effective broth for the common cold, simmer four minced garlic cloves in four cups of chicken broth for 10-15 minutes. Add as much cayenne pepper as you can stand and drink this mixture throughout the day.

2.      Echinacea is a very common and widely used natural remedy. It is a plant known as the purple cone flower. It works as an immune system enhancer and a cold and flu treatment. The only thing is, you should not use it for more than 2 weeks at a time because it does lose its effectiveness after a 2-week period. It helps with lessening the effects of a cold and it does help shorten the time that you have symptoms. It is also used to help numb and treat a sore throat.

3.      Then there is the tried and true natural treatment, raw honey. Raw honey is one of the best treatments for a sore throat and cough. You should buy the raw, unfiltered honey versus the regular kind you buy in the grocery store that comes in the honey bear plastic container. Raw honey is also good for young children, over 1 year old. It can be mixed in a warm beverage like tea for even more soothing effects.

These are just a few of the natural preventive and treatment remedies that are available.


Source by Catherine Quel

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