Signs That He Is Romantically Interested – Catch the Vibes That Show His Interest Right Away


Do you want to be sure whether the guy just likes you or has romantic interest in you? It is important to know what signs to look for to know if he is romantically interested or not. Even if he may not express himself directly, as most men don’t, these are the signs to look out for.

He has eyes only for you

Do you catch him staring at you admiringly and feel that his eyes are forever following you. Even though you are not looking in his direction you still feel his piercing eyes on you, this means he likes you a lot and is interested in you.

He smiles a lot in your presence

If someone likes a person they are happy when they are around them and if your guy smiles a lot and jokes around when he is with you then he might be romantically interested in you. He is happy when you are around and that’s the reason for that great smile that lights up his face whenever he sees you.

Want to spend time with you

If he finds every opportunity to be with you and wants to spend time alone with you it shows his interest. He may be making plans to spend time together as he wants to impress you and get to know you more. This shows that he likes you and is attracted to you.

He is physical

The guy who touches you a lot shows his romantic interest. He may touch your arm as he is talking or puts his arm around you as he wants to get physically closer. This shows his interest is more than casual.

You see him everywhere you go

Is this coincidence or is he following you wherever you go and you seem to bump into him often. Make no mistake, this guy is romantically inclined and wants to get close to you and his actions clearly show that he hopes to date you.

He takes great interest in your life

He shows keen interest in what is going on in your life and wants to know more about you. He is concerned about your well being too and this shows that he is interested in romancing you, he would not want to spend his time to know you if he was not interested in you.

He makes you feel special

He compliments you and notices little things that he likes about you; he may surprise you with gifts and really listen to you. Obviously he likes you romantically or he won’t waste his time or emotions on you.


Source by Krista Hiles

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