The Harmful Consequences Of Addiction


For the addicts to live, they need to satiate themselves with narcotics. For them, to live without drugs is like living without air. The thirst should be anesthetized, and quenched, the addict should win in this grim struggle of existence. However, all that I know is all forms of addiction is bad. What would start as an innocent pleasure soon proceeds to overtake the life and become a nasty habit. Addiction is not praiseworthy or innocent. Maintaining the habit becomes the ultimate goal and leaves behind no interest in any other thing. Men are always tempted, but it is important to realize that some temptation reap deterioration and ultimately death.

These mood-altering substances can alleviate the disposition of the human mind. However, the ulterior motive of these components, remain the same. They produce the same “above the world” effect, relaxes the nerves and for some, allows them to be amnesiac or trance-like especially towards the recent happenings of their lives. Addiction can form towards anything. It can be defined as a state of the person being enslaved to a particular practice or habit that its termination can lead to further trauma and other related problems. It is a continued use or the abuse of substances and behavior that leads to adverse physical and physiological outcome. This can further cause neurological disorders, severe trauma, physical inability, and consequent relapses.

Addiction can include the abuse of the following:

• Alcohol

• Drug

• Physical exercise

• Gambling

• Watching television

• Internet surfing, etc

There are certain trademark behavioral symptoms that are visible in an addict. The hallmarks are as follows:

• Preoccupation with the particular object.

• Obsessive behavior leading to violent outbursts.

• Continued usage regardless of the consequences.

• Denial, inability to cope with the surroundings.

• Relapses into the substance abuse.

The habits and the patterns of this compulsion can be defined as the short-term gratification with prolonged deleterious effects. Changes in the physiological pattern are common phenomenon as the body includes the material in its normal metabolism. This is followed by repetitive state of tolerance and withdrawal. While “tolerance” is the procedure when the body adapts to the abuse and slowly requires increased amounts to quench the eventual effects, “withdrawal” is the physical and psychological symptoms that occur due to the stoppage of the substance. The “withdrawal” symptoms include irritability, anxiety, nausea, hallucinations, cold sweats, tremors and intense cravings for the substance.

This habit can pertain to compulsions that are not related to any substance exploitation. These may include obsessive shopping, overeating, under eating, gambling, computer and internet dependence or can be exercise or sport related. The compulsion arises in engaging in some kind of activity that would bring about harmful consequences. The consequences can even trickle down into the individual’s social, mental and health state. Most of these compulsive behavioral patterns arise due to physiological, psychological and biological factors.


Source by Jessica Zones

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