Solar Power and Wind Power Initiatives: The Way of the Future


Many Americans do not realize that there is much research and development dollars being put towards solar energy. In fact the Bush administration in their 2007 budget proposed almost $150 million for the Solar American Initiative. The goal is simple create “zero energy” homes, offices and small businesses. Imagine going to the office and using power that has been generated from the sun with solar panels on top of the building and imagine this building not even connected to the power grid. Now you are starting to see the vision that the Bush administration is hoping to achieve by spending dollars now in research and development so that in the future this will become a reality.

In fiscal year 2006 the presidential administration also put in nearly $85 million towards new technologies in solar photovoltaic “PV” cells. With solar cells is not the only thing that future alternative energy initiatives are bringing about. The government, the Department of Energy and many universities and private research and development companies are expanding their technologies for clean energy from the wind. In fact the Bush administration has set forth in the 2007 federal budget nearly $45 million for wind energy research stating;

“This will help improve the efficiency and lower the costs of new wind technologies for use in low-speed wind environments.”

Since the United States of America is all the leading edge almost all the latest technologies it only makes sense that we should invest in our future and see all these innovative technologies to fruition. It is great to see that the government is working with the private sector to make always possible for the future of America. Thank you President Bush.


Source by Lance Winslow

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