Funny Comics


In every newspaper there is a section called the "comics" or the "funnies." Whatever the name of the section they are just that, funny comics. There are always a variety of different comic strips. Some point out things that are going on in society today, others are just non-sense. Either way, the funny comics always invoke laughter, at least for some people.

They also come in book form and can be found at book stores, you can also find comic books at regular book stores, even news stands. These types of book stores are filled with different types of genre in an animation form. Zombies, superheros and even just ordinary people fill the pages of comic books all over the world.

What makes a comic "good" or "funny" in this instance, is entirely up to the reader. Everyone is different, has a different personality and also a different sense of humor. There is a comic or certain fun way out there for everyone. There are many different sources, not only comic books, to find funny comics. Or any comics out there. You can search on the internet and find some interesting comics, made by tons of people with different messages and jokes or story lines.

No matter where you search, if you're looking in the right place, you're bound to find some interesting things. Like I said, the internet is a wonderful tool to use if you're trying to find some comics, as well as different specialty stores and even just regular book stores. If you have the drive and creative mind, you can also make your own comics. You can make anything you want, draw it and add in some dialogue. It can be a funny comic, dramatic comic or political one, no matter your choice you can make it happen. And you should if you want to.


Source by Emanuele Miglioretti

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