How to Potty Train Your Dog in 30 Days Or Less


Part of responsible dog ownership is making sure that your dog gets house broken and well-trained. As a parent of a dog you have the responsibility of potty training them, just as you would a regular child. Patience is the first character trait you need when potty training your dog. Potty training is not a task that you should think you are going to get done in a day or two, so be patient.

Before you start the potty training process, you have to realize that your dog is going to make mistakes. What does that mean to you? That means that your dog is going to have accidents in the house, sometimes on the furniture and maybe even in some places you have not thought of yet. The key here is to stay calm and remain patient with your dog. Negative reactions can impair your ability to be successful with training your dog.

It is imperative that you do not yell or scold your dog when he does something wrong during potty training. Do let him know that what he did is wrong without showing aggression or frustration. For example, if your dog urinates on the sofa during potty training, screech a high pitched "Ah" or "No". These sounds are known to distract your dog so you can interrupt their mistake and get them outside. Follow this action by then taking him outside and showing him where to urinate. Say the word yes or here.

These simple little steps will show your dog what is expected of him and he will not feel like you are angry. This reduces stress in your dog, which usually leads to a faster way to potty train. When dogs are stressed, they are more relevant to do what they are supposedly to do in a timely fashion. When dogs are stressed, experience has shown that it can take anywhere from 3 months to 1 year to potty train. No one wants to be cleaning up messes that long.

The following paragraphs contain a comprehensive step by step guide to training your puppy or dog in 30 days or less. It may seem like an impossible task; However you will be amazed at how a few simple concepts applied in the correct manner will result in a happy dog ​​that is also potty trained in a matter of weeks.

Having a potty-trained dog in 30 days requires you to follow these elements.

1. Confinement

2. Training

3. Use a leash

4. Praise


Puppies or dogs need to be defined in order to facilitate the easiest potty training. Puppies and dogs do not yet understand where it is appropriate to eliminate, so they must be trained. The most common place to confine your dog is a crate or cage. Remember do not leave anything in the bottom of the crate (blanket's, newspaper etc). Most dogs do not want to eliminate where they live, therefore the crate needs to be just large enough for the puppy to turn around and lay down. Anything larger will encourage puppy to eliminate at one end and sleep in the other. Four those puppies that may out grow their crate, use a crate that is sized for adult and partition it to smaller size using a homemade insert or a crate insert made by the crate company.

Training and Praise

Always use a leash when teaching a new dog (or puppy) where to eliminate. Leashes are helpful as they keep your dog close to you, where you can oversee and control everything that happens. Mostly everyone who has a dog would agree they are easily distracted. A new flower, blowing leaf, stick, or another animal can take your puppy's mind of the matter at hand. However, if you are near the puppy (or dog) with the leash in hand, a gentle tug will redirect him away from the curiosity.

Words are powerful and when repeated they communicate effective messages to your dog.

You can teach words for elimination. Good words are "go potty" for urination and "go poop" for defecation. This way when the puppy understands what the words mean, he will understand what I want as well as when I want it to happen. Your choice can be any word or phrase you want to use consistently, such as "let's go," "hurry up," "business time," "potty time" and the most popular word used, "tinkles." Please remember when you choose your word or phrase that you will be repeating it A Lot !!

Using the Leash & Words to Teach

When you take your dog outside on a leash, start to teach him the word outside. In time, the dog will learn that the word outside is associated with elimination. Occasionally you will be able to ask the dog "do you have to go outside?" And you'll be surprised by the response you'll get. Many people report their dogs do things like barking and running to the door with their tail wagging. I suggest a slip leash because it is quick and easy to slip on the puppy to take him outside. Sometimes puppies are not used to the leash, in this case slip the leash and carry the puppy from his crate to outdoors so you do not risk accidents in the house.

Once outside, set the puppy down and change your mantra to your word or phrase potty time. It's OK if puppy sniffs and moves around a little, but keep him in a general area. Whenever puppy is distracted by a leaf or squirrel give the leash a tug and repeat "Go Potty." When elimination occurs, use a happy tone and repeat "Good go potty".

Use these advice words only to reinforce elimination, because petting and trips can interrupt the act. Please remember verbal praise needs to happen during the act, and after. Dogs usually urinate first, and then defecate.

Timing is essential

When puppy eliminates appropriately, he has earned his freedom from his crate. The best time for a puppy to be out of his crate is after eliminating appropriately outside.

There are certain indications each time puppies need to eliminate: abrupt stop of play, circling, sniffing, running out of the room with the "look" on his face. You will eventually become familiar with these warning signs.


Accidents will happen. We all know that it's no fun cleaning up a mess. Be sure to take advantage of the training moment when you catch the puppy in the act of inappropriate elimination. Doing so will facilitate an effective lesson. If you take the time to use all of these tips and tricks, and keep your patience, you will have a well potty trained puppy in 30 days or less.


Source by Shawn Ryan

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