Advancing With Us Review


When you first do a search for Advancing With Us you don’t really get too much information, except that the company is fairly new, the founder is a guy called Alan Pariser and the headquarters are based in Henderson, Nevada. However upon doing a little digging it seems that they are a multi level marketing company (although for some strange reason they say that they are not) who have based themselves in the highly competitive health and wellness sector.

So what health and wellness products do they sell?

Upon delving even further into things, it seems that Advancing With Us are closely related to, or are a subsidiary of Melaleuca. This is a green company who have been in the business of making environmentally friendly products for the last twenty five years and most of their products contain some form of Melaleuca oil. This is a kind of tea tree oil that is native to New South Wales, Australia. The products include everything from household cleaning products to health drinks and snacks. The products themselves are totally natural and do not contain ammonias, bleaches, or pharmaceuticals.

To join the company you will need to sell products, and in order to achieve the amount necessary you need to be selling $50 of product per month. The compensation plan runs on a 5 x 7 matrix. This means that you need to personally sponsor 5 people on your first level, for which you will receive 20% of every order of your immediate downline. They then sponsor 5 people, and so on, down to seven levels. There is also a monthly autoship policy that you will have to consider before you join.

It seems that so called “green” related products are definitely in right now, so there could never be a better time to sell them. There is definitely a demand for such products. Although Advancing With Us is a fairly new company, Melaleuca have been going since 1985 and therefore they are backed by strong credentials. The compensation plan is one that operates a good payout which could get you back into profit fairly quickly.

It seems that this MLM opportunity ticks all the right boxes, However like any business opportunity, make sure that you thoroughly do your homework first before you part with your hard earned cash. You have to remember that multi level marketing isn’t easy and that’s why 97% of people fail. Having said that, the health and wellness sector is a great niche to get into and it is worth knowing that the majority of multi level marketing millionaires (of which there are plenty) have made their fortunes in this particular niche.

So this begs the question can you make money with the Advance With Us opportunity? The answer is that if you are prepared to work your business, get to know your products and position yourself as a leader then there is absolutely no reason why you can’t make money with this opportunity.


Source by Dane Tanodra

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