Why is Education a Must For Everyone?


Each of us must have a good education. It is a requirement for us to do better in life. We all know about the quote that says “Education is the key to success.” This is true, in a sense that we are capable of being successful and will reach high in life if we are educated. Starting our childhood years, we are being educated. From primary education, to our high school years, then comes college, and even higher degrees. After we have our careers, we still continue to educate ourselves by researching and other activities.

Education is what broadens our horizons for us to have a better and wider understanding of the world around us. It will help us know how things are working, and how they should be operated. Being in a civilized society, we need to have more knowledge on what the modern world has to offer. If not, then we cannot live our daily lives the way other people do.

Also, we are in need of education because the economy encourages us to have the chance of contributing to it. We can develop talents that we can use in helping out country. The intelligence we can acquire from the people who educate us will give us the ability to be better citizens. We can all see how advanced our society is today. It was all the contribution from earlier people who were once just youths that educated them so that they gain knowledge of the world around them. Everything we see not that we are using is based upon what they have learned, and the ideas they came up with based on the things they learned.

Just imagine how the world would be 50 years from now if education will continue. The future generations would have easier lifestyles, greater success, and happier living. People might have longer life expectancies by developing modern medications or any science contributions. The governments might be more secured and strong. Technology can be in its peak. All of these things are coming from a single foundation and that is education.

Also, people that are well-educated are more confident. They are well respected by others. We can always gain the praises that we want when we get a proper education. It is our key to have a better life. Better, not only because we are secured financially, but also because we have the pride and self esteem that is built upon knowledge.

So before you think of quitting school and thinking you are tired of those study routines, think of what you might be letting go if you pause your education. Time never waits for you. We better act now.


Source by Jenifer Gate

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